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National Conference on Media Literacy in the Digital Era & imPRESSion-2023 - media fest



Dr. P. Sadananda Maiya Block, Tumkur University, B.H. Road, Tumkur-57103, Karnataka, India




(Media Fest: Competitions for Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students)

27-28 July 2023


28 July 2023


 About Tumkur University

Tumkur University, a State University established in the year 2004, has gained significance as one of the young universities in the country and has been recognized as an institution of higher learning on par with high profile national institutions. It is located in Tumakuru, 70km away from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka. Thirty postgraduate departments, two constituent colleges, eighty-seven affiliated colleges constitute the universe of Tumkur University. The ever-swelling academic profile of the University constantly witnesses the highly qualified faculty of the University who have been regularly publishing scientific and research papers in refereed international journals in addition to participating in conferences, workshops and other academic events.

The University offers PhD programmes in eighteen PG departments. It has produced more than 400 PhDs so far. The research profile of the University includes research projects from various funding agencies such as Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, and British Council. The university has set significant milestones in sports, cultural, literary and extension activities.

About Department of Journalism & Mass Communication:

The Postgraduate Department of Journalism and Mass Communication is one of the youngest departments of Tumkur University, with a vision to cater to the needs of the everchanging media industry. It started offering MA in Journalism and Mass Communication course in 2018, and the students from its first three batches are already placed in reputed media houses across the State. Acquiring necessary infrastructure and attracting young talents at a faster rate, the Department of JMC has brought laurels to Tumkur University.

The curriculum of the Department is a fine blend of theory and practice that suits the requirements of the contemporary media world. Besides paying attention to the fundamentals of communication theory and media research, the Department focuses on the skills required for the print and electronic media, digital platforms, and the opportunities spread across advertising and corporate communication, graphic designing, filmmaking, event management, technical writing, and the like. The Dept. is equipped with a TV studio and an editing lab with necessary equipment and software. TUTV- the digital news bulletin and Kalpataru Times, the regular print bulletin, have been the platforms for the students to acquire the hands-on skills of the media industry.

mPRESSion-2023: The Media Fest

imPRESSion-2023 wil be a forum for undergraduate and postgraduate students to showcase their skills and talent. Different competitions will be conducted, and each competition will have three prizes. There will be a special trophy for overall champions too. Some general guidelines for the participants of imPRESSion-2023 are:

§  The competitions will begin on 27 July 2023 and will continue on 28 July 2023 also.

§  Prizes will be given during the valedictory of the National Conference on 28 July 2023.

§  The competitions are open for UG and PG students.

§  The competitions are not restricted to Journalism students. Students from different disciplines (Arts, Commerce and Science) can participate.

§  The participants can use both Kannada and English languages without any hesitation.

§  One student can participate in a maximum of three competitions.

§  One member or team from one college/department per competition.

§  A specific event will be conducted only if it gets at least 3 entries. Otherwise, the event will be cancelled.

§  Each participant should pay a registration fee of Rs. 100-00 per event.

§  Accommodation will be arranged for the participants, on prior request.

§  Food will be provided to the participants on both the days.

Events to be held:

Individual events:

On-the-Scene (News reporting)

§  The participants are required to prepare a report on the inaugural function of the National Conference.

§  The report should be written within 300 words.

§  One hour will be given to prepare the report.

Lights, Camera & News (News presentation)

§  The participants are required to prepare and present a TV bulletin of 3-5 minutes.

§  30 minutes will be provided to prepare the script.

§  The news items will be supplied.


The Chatterbox (Radio Jockey)

§  Each participant will be given 3 minutes.

§  Topic will be given on the spot.

Picture Perfect (Spot photography)

§  The participants are required to submit two photographs on the topic given.

§  Topic will be given on the spot.

§  The participants will be given 45 minutes time.

§  They can use either camera or mobile phone.

 Wordplay (Feature writing)

§  The participants are required to write a feature on the topic given.

§  Topic will be given during registration.

§  One hour will be given to write the feature.

§  The feature should be within 600 words.

 Creative Blend (Poster designing)

§  The participants are required to produce a poster on the topic given.

§  The topic will be given during the registration.

§  The posters can be designed using water colors or collage. In case collage, newspapers/magazines will be supplied.

§  Drawing sheets will be supplied. The participants should bring water colors, if they want to use them.

Yours Truly (PTC: Piece-to-Camera)

§  The participants are required to give a PTC for 1 minute.

§  The topic will be given on the spot.

Group events

Snap Story (Short movie)

§  This will be a pre-event.

§  The participants are required to send a short movie of a maximum of 3 minutes on the topic: ‘Modern Life’.

§  Three members will make a team.

§  The movies should be mailed to journalismtut@gmail.com on or before 20-07-2023.

 Quizological (Quiz competition)

§  Two members will make a team.

§  There will be a preliminary round (written), and the main quiz.

§  Four teams will be selected for the main quiz.

§  The quiz will be on general knowledge, current affairs and mass media.

 Swift Boost (Instant advertising)

§  Each team should be of 3-5 members.

§  The teams are required to present an advertisement skit on the topic given.

§  The duration will be one minute.

§  Topic will be given during registration.

 Ceasefire (Debate)

§  Two members from one college/department.

§  One member is required to speak for the topic and another one, against it.

§  Prizes will be judged for the team.

§  Topics will be announced during the registration.

 Student conveners:

The participants may contact the following student conveners for registration and any additional information:

Gopala Y. R.                : 9148922850

Vishal Mayur               : 7349269522

Ranganath M.              : 9538130486

Sukanya R. P.              : 8088285405

About the National Conference:

Media literacy is not just the skill of going through the media content but the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the messages conveyed through media. Being ‘media literate’ is very important in the age of information revolution. When every individual is affected by one or other media in day-to-day life, it is important for them to have an idea about how the information they receive from such media is generated, processed and distributed.

However, the need for media literacy has reached its peak with the Digital Era emerging as the most influential factor of modern age. The traditional classification of print and electronic media is no more relevant since the digital convergence has brought all types of media into a single platform. The speed of information dissemination is unimaginable, while it is difficult for an ordinary person to locate the origin of any information.

Misinformation has been a great challenge to media literacy in the Digital Age. Every time an individual receives an information, either from traditional media or modern media, he/ she is in a state to doubt the genuineness of information.  The social media platforms –which helped democratization of communication– have unfortunately proved to be fertile ground for inflammatory fake news in the recent years. Though the spread of misinformation is not limited to any country or region, India is facing the risk of becoming the hotbed of fake news.

India being a “young country” with the highest number of youth population where internet penetration is taking place at a greater speed, curbing misinformation is the need of the hour. However, the country needs to come up with strong measures to fight misinformation, only on the basis of which the sensitive fabrics of our society can be protected. This has made media literacy more inevitable than ever before. The proposed conference intends to provide a forum for elaborate discussions on media literacy, its need in the digital era, and strategies to popularize it across various age groups.

Call for papers:

We invite innovative unpublished papers with original research on the themes mentioned below, from media educators, professionals, research scholars, and those involved in media literacy education:

§  Approaches to media literacy education

§  Media literacy in the present education system

§  Media literacy to foster synthetic media

§  Misinformation, disinformation and mal-information

§  Fighting misinformation in the digital era

§  Combating deep fakes

§  Responsible information consumption

§  Social media and fake news

§  Being informed v/s being wise

§  Propaganda and persuasion

§  Future of media literacy education

§  Media and money

§ The need for media diet

The papers may also focus on any other themes relevant to the central idea. The abstracts and the papers will be scrutinized by a Review Committee. Only selected papers are expected to be presented at the conference. Plagiarism in any form will not be accepted.

Submission guidelines:

The papers should be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman font, 12 pt size, and 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margin on all sides. The abstract should be of 250 words, and the full paper should be in between 2000-3000 words. The submissions should strictly adhere to the latest edition of the APA style. The full paper should follow the following order: title, name/s of author/s and their institutional affiliation/s, abstract, keywords, and the full text. Abstracts should be submitted to journalismtut@gmail.com on or before June 10, 2023.

Publication of the proceedings:

The selected papers will be published in an edited book with ISBN, following the conference.

Important dates:

Last date to submit abstracts                     : 10-06-2023

Intimation on the selection of abstracts    : 15-06-2023

Last date to submit full papers                   : 20-07-2023

Deadline for registration                              : 22-07-2023

Conference date                                            : 28-07-2023

Registration details:

Faculty members/ professionals       : Rs. 1500-00

Research scholars                             : Rs. 1000-00

Papers with multiple authors should register separately. All registered delegates and paper presenters will be issued certificates.

The registration fee can be paid to the following account, and the transaction details should be shared with the Organizing Secretary.

Name of the account holder             : The Finance Officer, Tumkur University

Account Number                              : 64081416021

Bank                                                  : State Bank of India

Branch                                               : Tumkur University Branch

IFSC                                                  : SBIN0040850

Travel and accommodation:

No travel allowance will be given to the paper presenters/delegates. If you need accommodation, we can suggest lodging facilities in Tumkur with fair expenses. The student participants of media fest will be provided accommodation free of cost.


 Chief patrons:

Prof. M. Venkateshwarlu

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Tumkur University

Smt. Nahida Zam Zam

The Registrar, Tumkur University

Organizing committee:

The Organizing Secretary

Dr. Padmanabha K. V.

The Coordinator, PG Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, Tumkur University, BH Road, Tumkur-572103

Mobile: 9449525854 / 9380750972

E-mail: journalismtut@gmal.com


Dr. Pruthviraja T.       - 9743047810

Sri Vinay Kumar S.S.- 9964103366

Smt. Kokila M.S.        - 8618079108

Smt. Ananya M.        - 8861424336

Sri Abhishek M. V.     - 8123410268


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